28 April, 2011

good friday photo shoot

i finally got around to scanning some photos to share on here.  these photos are from a photoshoot on good friday. i have been waiting since school started to have the opportunity to shoot my beautiful cousin so when it finally came i jumped at the chance... we went to a deserted farm and played around for hours in the rain and wind.  i think it even snowed a little.  she was wonderful, didn't complain once about being barefoot in the cold, totally lived up to my expectations :) 

all photos shot on kodak trix film, top two on a canon eos film camera with a lensbaby, bottom two on a holga.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Keep em coming when you have the time hon. Sjálf að bögglast við að koma mínu frá mér... storytelling. ég peppa þig u peppar mig ait? ;D